Wes and I had the privilege to photograph an in studio interview and performance! It was with the Nomad Planets on Tom Lounges Midwest Beat radio show on Lakeshore Public Radio (89.1 FM) here in NW Indiana.. Our Nomad friends asked us to come along and take some photos for prosperity... It was pretty cool to see how something like this goes in a radio studio. Wes had photographed in a studio before, but this was a first for me. It certainly is a lot of equipment in a small room... Nothing like WKRP, lol (you younger readers might have to look that up)..
We arrived early and took some photos of the guys warming up as well. It was an acoustic performance so all of the members were not there. Which was not a bad thing, considering the space (not that they weren't missed). The interviewees were Mark Mybeck, John Carpenter, and Phil Rapchak. Missing were Chris Ussery and Terry Boylan..
There was an issue with the cd, but everyone worked right through it until it got straightened out. I think we just got to hear an extra live song or two.. oh darn.
***If you didn't have a chance to listen, and would like to, there will be a re-broadcast Friday night, February 2nd, at 11pm...
Tom Lounges also did some Facebook live video you can look for..

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** ALL photos on this blog are property of Christi Bushby, copyrighted and protected as such by law. Please see my copyright page for details and/or permissions of use.
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