Sunday, August 19, 2018

Beatles Music Festival 2018

As some of you may know, I photographed Hammond's Beatles Music a few years back, with my hubby. Even though my hubby and I are photographing on a movie production, I took a day and came back to Beatles Fest. Being a music fan, and a supporter of local musicians, I love photographing events like this. Because as we all know, music brings people together. I also think with all the division that is being pushed on us, events like this are exactly what we need. Beatles Music Fest happens every August in Downtown Hammond Indiana. Local and national musicians perform the music of The Beatles, all in their own special way. Some play the songs just like you remember them, others add their own spin to the songs. This year, we were treated to Blue Submarine playing some bluesy Beatles. And I for one, thought it was pretty cool. The only band I missed was The Blue Leafs, and after I ran into them, I wished I got there sooner. Those guys had the coolest shoes, so I imagine they were pretty good.. Anyway, I know what you're here for, so on to the photos. There are Facebook links to the bands, in order of their performance, at the bottom of this post...

When I arrived, Nomad Planets were already playing...

Next up, were Rosie & The Rivets..

More Rosie shots in a few.. I wandered around and took some photos of friends having some fun..

That sun was hot, some took cover, and some danced anyway...

Here comes Blue Submarine..

It's getting crowded...

I saw this cutie pie several times through the day, so I had to take her photo. She was showing off her "tattoo"... (after asking mom, of course)

Here's my good friend Mike (guitarist for the Crawpuppies) playing "Guess the Wood". I introduced him to artist Christopher Klocek (Enchanted Woodworks), the man behind the BEAUTIFUL Beatles wood piece that was raffled. NONE of the wood is dyed in his pieces. The pieces are made form different types of wood. I highly recommend checking out his page..

And this would be my "new" friend, Andrew, enjoying a funnel cake.. A real music fan (and HUGE Beatles fan), I've seen him at many events, and we finally "officially" met on this day.

The man behind the festival (literally, lol).. John Vezmar..

Being family friendly, the fest has a kids area with inflatables and other activities..

Somebody was celebrating a birthday! Nice to meet you guys, 

I hope you had fun!!

Once the sun starts to go down, more people join the fest...

Time for my buds, The Crawpuppies!

I see you Andrew....

She seems like my kinda people...

And she is my kinda people, my crazy friend Val...
Rock on, woman..

The American English crew starts bring the equipment backstage.. 
That's a lot of cases...

Talk about music lovers... My best friend for over 30 years... 

She's the sister I never had...

Time to announce the lucky winner.. 

It wasn't me... But congrats!

Take cover! Confetti canons...

If you love The Beatles, I HIGHLY recommend seeing American English. They are the best Beatles tribute band I've ever seen.

Now it's a PARTY!

Thanks for stopping by... Long live The Beatles..

Peace, light, and love..


Bands in order of Performance:

(not pictured)

** ALL photos on this blog are property of Christi Bushby, copyrighted and protected as such by law. Please see my copyright page for details and/or permissions of use. 

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"The earth without art is just eh..."

1 comment:

  1. Very nice photo-doc, Christi. It was a wonderful day and your photo array brings it back once again!
